Policy Press

General non-fiction

We publish serious non-fiction social commentary and debate for a wide audience. These high quality books are written by academics, professionals and other experts in an accessible way bringing key issues of social, political and cultural significance to a wide readership. These books have an impact: advancing knowledge, raising awareness and encouraging social change.

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Showing 61-72 of 97 items.

The Moral Marketplace

How Mission-Driven Millennials and Social Entrepreneurs Are Changing Our World

Author and activist Asheem Singh explores how a movement of tiny ventures evolved into a global humanitarian and financial juggernaut, revealing new ways to fight privilege and inequality, rewire philanthropy, government and even capitalism itself.

Policy Press

Broken Benefits

What's Gone Wrong with Welfare Reform

In Broken Benefits, Sam Royston argues that social security isn’t working, and without a change in direction, it will be even less fair in the future.

He provides an introductory guide to social security, correcting misunderstandings and presents practical ideas of how benefits should be reformed.

Policy Press


Inequality, Education and the Working Classes

This book brings Brian Jackson and Dennis Marsden’s pioneering Education and the Working Class from 1962 up to date for the 21st century and reveals what we can do to achieve a fairer education system.

Policy Press

Abortion Wars

The Fight for Reproductive Rights

In this hard-hitting timely book Judith Orr, leading pro-choice campaigner, shows that despite the 1967 Abortion Act full reproductive rights in Britain are yet to be won. The book also highlights current debates over decriminalisation and argues for abortion provision fit for the 21st century.

Policy Press

The Inequality Crisis

The facts and what we can do about it

Inequality has at last taken centre stage in the political discourse, but there is very little to explain the inequality debates and to offer solutions for the UK. This introductory book provides a comprehensive survey of all the available evidence, looking at both sides of the inequality argument.

Policy Press

What Kind of Democracy Is This?

Politics in a Changing World

Has there ever been a period in modern history when democratic politics seemed more unpredictable or unruly? Matthew Flinders ranges expertly across architecture, art, fell running and fairy tales in an attempt to understand the emerging democratic landscape. This refreshing and stimulating book seeks to provoke and inform in equal measure.

Policy Press

Too Much Stuff

Capitalism in Crisis

We now enjoy the highest living standard in history yet spend more of our income on pointless luxury. Instead, we should tax more in order to invest much more in societal needs, which will in turn reinvigorate the economy and reduce economic inequality and environmental degradation.

Policy Press

Good Times, Bad Times

The Welfare Myth of Them and Us

This revised edition uses extensive updated research and survey evidence to challenge the view of 'skivers versus strivers', showing how much our lives vary not just as we age, but from week-to-week and year-to-year.

Policy Press

The Rise of the Right

English Nationalism and the Transformation of Working-Class Politics

This book is the first to offer an uncompromising look at the English Defence League (EDL), aiming to alter thinking about working-class politics and the rise of right-wing nationalism in de-industrialised English towns and cities.

Policy Press

From Greed to Wellbeing

A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises

The global financial system seems caught in a cycle of boom and bust, instability and scandal. Building on the classic works of E F Schumacher and other kindred spirits, Magnuson provides a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern and offers new possibilities for change.

Policy Press

The New Age of Ageing

How Society Needs to Change

Debunking the myth of the ageing time bomb, this timely book from the authors of Retiring with Attitude challenges our assumptions and stereotypes and demonstrates that we are capable of living better together longer in this new, older world.

Policy Press

Health Divides

Where You Live Can Kill You

Clare Bambra examines the social, environmental, economic and political causes of health inequalities, how they have evolved over time and what they are like today. Revealing gaps in life expectancy of up to 25 years between places just a few miles apart, this important book demonstrates that where you live can kill you.

Policy Press